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Today’s edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 4 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Tuesday 22nd of March. It is best viewed on a desktop screen.


Noteworthy stories in the current news cycle include: the number of New Zealand soldiers who served in the Gallipoli campaign in World War I doubling what was previously estimated; a steel certification body saying New Zealand is at risk of becoming a dumping ground for inferior steel; and that New Zealand’s next Governor-General will be businesswoman Dame Patsy Reddy, succeeding Sir Jerry Mateparae.


Government: Counties Manukau Children’s Team largest yet; PM welcomes Dame Patsy Reddy as the next Governor-General;100% Camera coverage achieved on Snapper 1 fleet; Minister to visit NZDF aid operation in Fiji; Smarter land purchasing for future school needs;New Chief of Air Force announced; $895,000 in funding for Marlborough irrigation scheme; NZ Pacific Research Institute launched; Court appearances continue to fall; S&P rating confirms economic programme working

Greens: DOC needs more money, or we’ll lose more tracks; Time to change Governor General appointment process; Rules show PM not allowed to use public money for settlements

Labour: Andrew Little congratulates new Governor-General;Traffic jams caused by scattergun transport approach; Taxpayers paying for more spin; Imported steel must be tested to meet NZ standards; Minister out of his depth on marine sanctuary

New Zealand First: Serious Constitutional Appointment – Sullied By PM’s Media Manipulation;Key Won’t Slow Immigration, He’s Addicted


EDUCATION REPORT: The Education Review Office released a report linking early mathematics skills to later academic achievement. The report “Early mathematics: a guide for improving teaching and learning” can be found at:

REFUGEE QUOTA: The Our Voices – Summary Report 2016 Refugee Resettlement Quota Review, by Amnesty International highlights the support for a refugee quota increase. Click here for report:

RETAIL TRADE: Christchurch city’s retail and hospitality spending continues to outpace that at the national level, according to Statistics New Zealand.Click here for more:

TRAFFIC REPORT: TomTom (TOM2) today released the results of the TomTom Traffic Index 2016, the annual report detailing the cities around the world with the most traffic congestion. People can find out more about the TomTom Traffic Index, and discover where their home city ranks at:

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Tuesday 22nd March.




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