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Newsroom DigestToday’s edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 5 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Monday 29th February. It is best viewed on a desktop screen.


Noteworthy stories in the current news cycle include: respected academic and writer on Māori issues, Dr Ranginui Walker, passing away at the age of 83; business confidence falling sharply with slumping stock markets and declining dairy prices spooking firms locally; and the minimum wage rate going to increase by 50 cents per hour to $15.25 an hour on 1 April, 2016.


Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today 


Government: Scheme helping to staff hard to fill positions; HMNZS Canterbury’s departure for Fiji welcomed; McCully to visit Fiji post Winston; Minister to address UN Human Rights Council; $3.7m available for NZ-China research centres; Honouring a revolutionary of our time; PM acknowledges passing of Dr Ranginui Walker; Honouring a revolutionary of our time;Minimum wage to increase to $15.25; New community barbeque area for family playground

ACT Party: Greens’ hypocritical travel expenses; Leader’s speech to ACT Conference 2016; New Zealand deserves better than timidity and tinkering; Sanctuary Trust would empower non-government conservation; Speech to the 2016 ACT Conference at Orakei Basin

Greens: Taylor interview highlights desperate need for prison transparency; Green Party Encourages New Zealanders To Vote As They Like

Labour: Bonuses for charter schools, deficits for state schools; Pharmac savings not invested in new drugs; School ballot fees undermine free education; Explanation for Defence debacle demanded;Come on, clear your diary Minister; It’s Leap Day: Let’s take a leap forward in the empowerment of women

New Zealand First: Stop Outsiders Voting On the NZ Flag; Regions Miss Out As “King Kong Auckland” Bellows; Speech by New Zealand First Leader and Member of Parliament for Northland Rt Hon Winston Peters; Seymour’s Idea ‘So Old, It Has Flies On It’; Flag Flying Blues Hit Key’s Campaign


CANTERBURY BUILDING CONSENTS DOWN: Canterbury had a fall in building consents for new dwellings in January 2016, Statistics New Zealand said today. More details at:

ECONOMIC INDICATORS: The February Monthly Economic Indicators (MEI) was published today on the Treasury Website.The report provides a summary of recent economic events. Read more at:

OTICON FOUNDATION GRANTS: Oticon Foundation made its annual call for grant applications for projects and activities dedicated to improving the lives of Deaf and hard of hearing New Zealanders. The deadline for applications is 31 March 2016. Information on how to apply is available on the Foundation’s website:

VISITOR ARRIVALS: The latest edition of International Visitor Arrivals to New Zealand (IVA) is now available on the Statistics New Zealand website. Read more:

VOLUNTEERING REPORT: Volunteering New Zealand announces the results of its inaugural State of the New Zealand Volunteering Sector survey today.The full State of Volunteering Report is available at:

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Monday 29th February .

Newsroom Digest

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