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Newsroom Digest

Today’s edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 3 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Monday 25th January. It is best viewed on a desktop screen.


Noteworthy stories in the current news cycle include that Auckland houses have got sharply less affordable in the past year (according to a new survey by Demographia International), and that new rules coming into effect today aim to discourage state housing tenants from turning down homes they are offered.


Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today 


Government: Ensuring access to social housing is fair and reasonable

ACT Party: Baby boomer government lets down a generation

Greens: Not one more acre of confiscations; Green Party Pays Respect To Barry Brickell

Labour: Robert Reich and Guy Standing keynote speakers at Future of Work Conference

Māori Party: Supports Call For A Review Of The Justice System; TPP signals perilous times ahead for Treaty rights

New Zealand First: Another Fly In The Biosecurity Ointment


FUTURE OF WORK CONFERENCE: Internationally renowned economists and authors Robert Reich and Guy Standing will be the keynote speakers at Labour’s Future of Work Conference in Auckland in March. You can register here:

GLOBAL INNOVATION: New Zealand ranks 28th in how its domestic policies support worldwide innovation, according to an analysis released by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), a global technology policy think tank. Click here for the report:

HOUSING AFFORDABILITY: Auckland houses have got sharply less affordable in the past year, according to a new survey by Demographia International. The survey of hundreds of metropolitan areas in eight OECD countries, plus Hong Kong, rates Auckland the fourth most expensive city in which to buy a house. Read more:

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Monday 25th January.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest.




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