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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 14 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Monday 2nd November.


Top stories in the current news cycle include net migration reaching record levels with more international students and temporary workers arriving in the country, the Government suggesting a new system of rewards for good schools and sanctions for those that struggle as part of the review to the Education Act and a NZ Defence Force exercise involving more than 2000 military personnel is underway on the South Island’s West Coast.


Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today included:

Government: New Zealand thrashes Australia; Productivity Commission to examine urban planning rules;Conservation Week 2015 – Healthy Nature, Healthy People; New regulations to protect oceans; MedTech Centre of Research Excellence opened in Auckland; Immigration changes for regions into effect; Tenancy bond system moves online; Education Act update gets underway; Next Ambassador to Russia announced; Caution urged this fireworks season; NZ/China PhD scholarships programme; Promoting good mental and environmental health; Text message reminder service goes live in District Courts; Minister saddened at passing of Dr Bill Ballantine

Greens: Govt needs to think carefully before ruining NZ’s clean green and GE-free brand; Education Act review a farce; Green Party Welcomes Marama Davidson To Parliament

Labour: Craig Foss should demonstrate accountability; TVNZ backtracks on chopping news jobs in the South 

New Zealand First: Peters – All Blacks To Get Parliamentary Motion; Save TV Coverage In The South 


Links of the day have been a feature of NewsRoom_Digest since we first started production in August 2014

CONSERVATION WEEK: This week is Conservation Week, with the theme for 2015 ‘Healthy Nature, Healthy People’. It’s about the link between looking after our special natural places and the tangible health benefits you can enjoy from experiencing them. Read more: http://www.doc.govt.nz/get-involved/events/conservation-week/

EDUCATION ACT UPDATE: The Education Ministry is urging New Zealanders to have their say on a revamp of education legislation that will help to shape the future of the education system. Further information about the consultation and how to make submissions can be found at: www.education.govt.nz/education-act-update. A discussion document and an introductory video from Ms Parata can be found here:https://consultation.education.govt.nz/

EXPERIENCE OF OIA: People have just four days left to tell the Chief Ombudsman about their experiences of making requests to government agencies under the Official Information Act if they are to inform her enquiry into government agencies’ OIA practices. The surveys, which can be accessed at http://tinyurl.com/OIAsurveys, close at midnight on 5 November.

FISHERIES REVIEW: The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has started a review of New Zealand’s fisheries management system and is inviting people to have their say. Click here for more: http://mpigovtnz.cwp.govt.nz/law-and-policy/legal-overviews/fisheries/fisheries-management-system-review/

MEI ECONOMIC INDICATORS: The October Monthly Economic Indicators (MEI) was published today by Treasury, providing a summary of recent economic events. Read more at: http://www.treasury.govt.nz/economy/mei/Oct15

MIGRATION TRENDS: Few figures released today show big increases in the number of skilled migrants, students and visitors to New Zealand. The Migration Trends and Outlook 2014/15 report is available here:http://www.mbie.govt.nz/info-services/immigration/migration-trends/trends-and-outlook/2014-15

OCEAN REGULATIONS: New Government regulations to manage the waste and pollution within New Zealand’s vast Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) come into effect today. The regulations are available from:http://mfe.govt.nz/marine/legislation/regulations-under-eez-act

ONLINE TENANCY BOND: A new tenancy bond service goes online today as part of the Government’s programme of making public services more convenient and easier. Further information is available from:http://www.tenancy.govt.nz

PHD SCHOLARSHIPS: Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Steven Joyce today announced the resumption of a reciprocal research scholarships programme with China that will award up to 40 PhD scholarships over 2016/2017. Further information on the programme will be available from 1 December on Education New Zealand’s website: http://www.enz.govt.nz/our-services/scholarships

SPCA LIST OF SHAME: The SPCA releases its List of Shame annually to raise awareness of animal welfare issues and the ongoing need for education and vigilance around preventing cruelty to animals. The 2015 List of Shame is available for download from the Royal NZ SPCA website:http://www.rnzspca.org.nz/images/SPCA_List_Of_Shame_2015.pdf

SMS FOR COURT: A new text message reminder service is now available for those appearing in court. Defendants can sign up for the text service at: http://www.justice.govt.nz/courts/district-court/text-message-reminders

SUSTAINABLE CITIES: The New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities has just released the survey on people’s sentiments about cities. Go here for more: http://sustainablecities.org.nz/resilient-urban-futures/drivers-of-urban-change/

URBAN PLANNING INQUIRY: The Government has asked the Productivity Commission to look at ways of improving New Zealand’s urban planning system. This inquiry follows on from the Commission’s investigation of how councils make land available for housing, which found that New Zealand’s urban planning laws and processes were unnecessarily complicated, slow to respond to change and did not meet the needs of cities. See more here:http://www.productivity.govt.nz/news/new-inquiry-urban-planning

WEST COAST MINERAL STRATEGY: Local councils on the West Coast are pushing for more mining in the area as they say it could reverse the tide of recent job losses. The Buller, Grey and Westland District Councils and the West Coast Regional Council together with Development West Coast have unveiled a West Coast Minerals Strategy. Read more: http://mineralsstrategy.wix.com/westcoast

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Monday 2nd November.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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