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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 12 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Thursday 29th October.


Top stories in the current news cycle includes the Reserve Bank saying further interest rates are likely despite leaving the Official Cash Rate (OCR) on hold at 2.75%, KiwiRail making a plea for support from the government and public arguing that expenditure on the infrastructure is vital for the country as a whole, and a story in the NZ Herald that Treasury is advocating for new rules that would restrict the amount house-hunters can borrow according to how much they earn.

Note: As well as providing a precis of leading broadcast bulletins each day, our NewsRoom_Monitor service does a daily paper round with succinct ‘news picks’ from the main metropolitan papers emailed by 9am each morning. If you’re interested in a free trial please email


Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today included:

Government: Otago University council members reappointed; TIN 200 companies grow to $9 billion; New scholarship for European Union students; Bay of Plenty Action Plan for regional growth; New Community Corrections site opened;Bus Interchange officially opened; EPA decision on GMO welcomed;New rules for companies start today; Ōpōtiki Harbour Development receives Government support; NZ ranked second in the world for ease of doing business; Bay of Plenty Action Plan set to grow the Toi Moana Māori regional economy; Crime-funded lab screens 2000 drugs at border

Greens: Time to take a stand on Aussie human rights abuses; Auckland housing crisis costs families and distorts economy; Govt should side with Kiwi kids and ban junk-food vending machines; Christchurch needs more than just the new Bus Exchange

Labour: Truth needed on NZ involvement in people smuggling; Nats must stop delaying Opotiki Harbour;Commercial and recreational fishers pick up the slack;National must rule out loan-to-income ratios

New Zealand First:Aussie Banks Bonanza At New Zealand’s Expense

United Future Party:Dunne Speaks- Westpac’s strike against personal privacy


Links of the day have been a feature of NewsRoom_Digest since we first started production in August 2014 at

We are currently building an archive of these at:

AMNESTY ALLEGATIONS: New evidence gathered by Amnesty International in a report titled By hook or by crook suggests that Australia’s maritime border control operations now resemble a lawless venture with evidence of criminal activity. View the full report here:

BUSINESS RANKING: The World Bank’s Doing Business report ranks New Zealand as one of the best places in the world to do business. Click here for more:

BUSINESSES REACH 500,000: According to Statistics New Zealand, in February 2015, the number of businesses in New Zealand passed the half million mark for the first time. Read more:

EDUCATION REPORT: The Ministry of Education released its annual report today. The report can be viewed at:

EU STUDENTS: A new scholarship for European Union (EU) students that will allow them to study for a semester at a New Zealand university was announced today. Go here for more information:

KIWIFRUIT INNOVATION SYMPOSIUM: The inaugural Kiwifruit Innovation Symposium in Mount Maunganui today showcases the leading science underway across the industry. Read more: 

KIWIRAIL REPORT: KiwiRail’s 2015 Annual Report reflects a year of recovery and consolidation for the company as it maintains its focus on simplifying and improving the business. For more information:

LIVER CANCER TRIAL: The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has approved an application to import for release a genetically modified live vaccinia virus (Pexa-Vec) for use in a multi-national clinical trial involving patients with a form of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). More details here:

ONE-PERSON HOUSEHOLDS: One-person households are projected to be the fastest growing household type in New Zealand, increasing from 390,000 in 2013 to 580,000 in 2038, Statistics New Zealand said. Go here for more:

REGIONAL ACTION PLAN: The Bay of Plenty Regional Economic Action Plan, a set of key initiatives designed to lift employment, incomes and investment across the region was launched today. More information and The Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Action Plan summary can be found on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website:

TAIC REVIEW: The Transport Accident Investigation Commission has today published a review of its inquiry concerning the September 2010 parachuting aircraft accident at Fox Glacier. The review is available at:

TIN REPORT: The Technology Investment Network’s 2015 Report reveals New Zealand’s TIN 200 companies collectively grew to $8.952 billion in annual revenue, a $600 million (7.3 per cent) increase over last year. The report can be purchased online from:

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Thursday 29th October.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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