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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 7 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Friday 25th September.


Top stories in the current news cycle include the United States calling for a ministerial meeting on the TPP deal next week however the Trade Minister Tim Groser has not yet decided if he is going, overseeing the next phase of Canterbury rebuild is a new agency- Regenerate Christchurch and the Defence Force saying it needs to dramatically lift when it comes to managing the changes required for better response to future events.

Note: As well as providing a precis of leading broadcast bulletins each day, our NewsRoom_Monitor service does a daily paper round with succinct ‘news picks’ from the main metropolitan papers emailed by 9am each morning. If you’re interested in a free trial please email monitor@newsroom.co.nz


Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today included:

Government: Labour hypocritical over bright-line criticism; Climate Change Minister to visit Australia and the United States; Step up for Stoptober, minister urges smokers;Five new projects to receive tourism funding; Regenerate Christchurch agency confirmed; Speech – Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce and Boulcott Hospital; Lake water quality goes online; Government Seeks Community Input On Social Housing; Lake water quality goes online; New scallop limits for Challenger season

Greens:Will Groser sign the TPPA dud deal?; Capital Gains Tax still the best option for Auckland

Labour: Another day, another horror health story; Democracy for Canterbury after CERA; Auckland remains a speculator’s paradise; Spierings should lead by example and take a pay cut;So where is John Key’s magic bullet now?; A spoonful of sugar…would be better than two

Māori Party: The State is a poor defacto parent; Maori Party Commends The Medical Council’s Call To Tackle Health Inequities

New Zealand First: Intervention Called For At Youth Facility; Yet Another Report While Our Vulnerable Children Wait

NZ National Party: School’s $5.3m redevelopment underway


Links of the day have been a feature of NewsRoom_Digest since we first started production in August 2014 at newsroom-nz.tumblr.com. We are currently building an archive of these at:http://newsroomplus.com/resources/resourceful-links/

FLOODS COST THE PRIMARY SECTOR: The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has today released a report on the economic impacts to the primary sector of the heavy rain and flooding that affected the western North Island in June. The full report is available at: http://www.mpigovtnz.cwp.govt.nz/news-and-resources/media-releases/june-floods-cost-the-primary-sector-70-million-says-mpi/

GREAT KERERŪ COUNT OFF TO A FLYING START: The Great Kererū Count is off to a flying start, with nearly double the number of observations made during the first five days compared to last year. Go here for more:http://www.greatkererucount.nz/

HOME LOAN AFFORDABILITY: Lower quartile house prices have plateaued throughout the country and have declined in Auckland for the last three months in a row, suggesting the property market has peaked in its latest cycle, according to the interest.co.nz Home Loan Affordability Report. More details are available at:http://www.interest.co.nz/property/77782/house-prices-have-started-falling-lower-end-market-aucklands-lower-quartile-selling

REGIONAL TOURISM INDICATORS: The Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment released the Regional Tourism Indicators (RTI) for August 2015. Read more: http://www.tourism.cmail19.com/t/r-l-fuhlhyd-iuiyjibdu-m/

‘SUGARY DRINK FREE AOTEAROA BY 2025’ : A conference on ‘Sugary Drink Free Aotearoa by 2025’ will be held by FIZZ on Wednesday 7 October 2015 at MIT in Manukau with keynote speakers Professor Barry Popkin (via video) from the University of North Carolina, Dr Gerhard Sundborn (aka Dr FIZZ) and Che Fu. The speaking programme includes panel discussions and speakers from around New Zealand. Full details available fromhttp://www.fizz.org.nz/content/symposium-2015

SOCIAL HOUSING: Treasury and the Ministry of Social Development are looking to identify further opportunities for the supply or transfer of social housing. “Under the Social Housing Reform Programme the Government has committed to subsidise an additional 3,000 social housing tenancies nationally, by the end of 2018,” Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says. The Request for Information is available at:http://www.treasury.govt.nz/statesector/socialhousing/rfi

TOURISM FUNDING: Government is investing in five new projects to help grow the tourism sector in New Zealand. Round Four of the Tourism Growth Partnership Fund is now open. Read more here: http://www.mbie.govt.nz/info-services/sectors-industries/tourism/tourism-growth-partnership.

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Friday 25th September.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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