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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest contains 8 media release snippets and 4 links for the day of Friday 24th July.

Top stories in the current news cycle include more concerns about effects of the Government’s tougher welfare policy and the decision to step in to manage Mt Eden prison following this week’s rolling controversy.

For coverage on NewsRoom_Plus of the launch of the “He Māramatanga Huangō: Asthma Health Literacy for Māori Children in New Zealand” research report please see


* Politics

Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today included:

Government: New recycling facility for building waste; Small businesses urged to value and protect IP; Modern buildings open at two Auckland schools; Better spinal injury outcomes goal of new policy; Court of Appeal upholds the Ministry’s product liability claim; Corrections Minister statement on Mt Eden Prison allegations; Youth Service extension bill passes first reading; Minister supports Corrections’ decision; Hawke’s Bay ‘Land Girl’ honoured; Another chance for kids; Minister welcomes Health and Safety Reform Bill report; New NZ On Air appointments announced.

Labour:Minister must cancel Serco’s contract today; Minister must take responsibility for problem gambling debacle; Labour will not support TPP if it undermines NZ sovereignty; Coleman can’t ignore latest warnings; Serco bail-out shows failure of Nats’ privatisation agenda; Charanpreet Dhaliwal death demands genuine health and safety reform; Arbitrary sanctions hit children hardest; Hekia just won’t face the facts; Labour To Oppose Gutted Health And Safety Bill; Court ruling shows law should never have been passed.

Greens: Time to consider cancelling SERCO contract, Questioning Of Lotu-Iiga Reveals More SERCO Failures, Environment at risk as GE advocate chosen to head the EPA, Prisoner voting ban needs to be repealed, SERCO contract could have been cancelled earlier, Compromised charter board should go, New health and safety law worse than what it replaces

New Zealand First: TPPA more important than public concern, Minister of Social Development u-turns on Serco comments, Accident Compensation Ombudsman urgently needed at ACC, Hutt kids receiving their B4 School Checks, Charter school announcement no surprise

NZ National Party: More children than ever benefit from free before school health checks.

UnitedFuture Party: Eliminate Prison Violence Across The System

* Business

Personal Insurance Sales: The Financial Services Council (FSC) has commissioned consulting actuaries Melville Jessup Weaver (MJW) to investigate sales incentives in the personal insurance industry (life and income protection insurance) and to suggest remedies for any misalignment of incentives between salespeople and their clients.

* Primary Industries

HortNZ conference next week: Every meal we eat costs the planet 10 kgs of soil, 800 litres of fresh water and 1.3 litres of diesel fuel.“That’s what it takes to feed the typical person for just one meal – and when you multiply it by 7.3 billion people each eating around a thousand meals a year, our modern food system is devouring a vast amount of resources unsustainably,” science writer Julian Cribb will tell the Horticulture New Zealand Conference next week in Rotorua.


EXPORTS TO CHINA RISE: Goods exports to China rose $20 million from June 2014 to reach $699 million in June 2015, Statistics New Zealand said today. The rise was over a range of commodities including logs, meat, and fruit. See statistics here:

VULNERABILITY OF CHILDREN: Only one in five families whose toddlers were considered most at risk of vulnerability from birth accessed social support services in their first 1000 days of life, according to a new report on early childhood vulnerability, released today by the Growing Up in New Zealand study. These include services such as Child, Youth and Family; Whānau Ora; or well-established programmes such as Family Start; and Parents as First Teachers.Find the full report, titled ‘‘Transitions in exposure to vulnerability in the first 100 days of life’ online at:

HOME LOAN AFFORDABILITY REPORT: Housing became a little more affordable for first home buyers last month thanks to a combination of falling mortgage interest rates and a slight drop in lower quartile house prices.Click here for the report:

INVESTOR MIGRANTS TO NZ: New Zealand is one of the best countries in the world for business, according to Forbes. With New Zealand’s stable democratic political system, strong legal and judicial institutions, a resilient economy and an abundance of natural resources, investing in New Zealand as a migrant can be your smartest business decision ever, and it comes with a lifestyle to boot. Click here for more:

And that’s our sampling of the day that was on Friday 24th July 2015.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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