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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest contains 6 media release snippets and 4 links for the day of Wednesday 15th July.

Top stories in the current news cycle include the Government extending its vaccination programme for another month, a survey of financial institutions that shows major banks made a combined net profit of $1.25 billion in the first quarter of 2015 and Opposition parties saying that newly released documents from 2013 confirm the Government is doing as little as possible to tackle child poverty.


* Politics

Flu Immunisation Programme Extended : Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says the 2015 seasonal influenza immunisation programme will be extended from 31 July to the end of August. “Ministry of Health surveillance suggests that influenza has not yet peaked this winter. To help ensure people have the protection they need we are extending the funded vaccination season until 31 August,” says Dr Coleman.

Prisons Again Proving Unsafe: The latest attack on a prisoner in Auckland is evidence that taxpayer money could be better spent in Corrections facilities, says New Zealand First. “The fact that another prisoner has been left injured after an attack in one of New Zealand’s maximum security correctional facilities clearly indicates a problem,” says Corrections Spokesperson Mahesh Bindra.

NZ Welcomes Historic Nuclear Deal: Foreign Minister Murray McCully has welcomed news that agreement has been reached on a nuclear deal between Iran, the Five Permanent (P5) members of the United Nations Security Council, and Germany.“As the current President of the United Nations Security Council, New Zealand will do what it can to expedite any necessary Security Council action, and we call for the agreement to be implemented as soon as possible,” Mr McCully says.

Govt Urged To Keep Iconic WW1 Painting : New Zealand First Deputy Leader Spokesperson for Arts, Culture & Heritage Ron Mark is seeking government assurance that the iconic Gallipoli painting, Simpson and his Donkey, will not leave New Zealand when it comes up for auction next Wednesday, 22 July. “While there are several versions of this famous Gallipoli painting, the one due for auction on 22 July is arguably the most significant and Aucklanders will know it from their War Memorial Museum’s Scars on the Heart exhibition,” says Mr Mark.

* Business

NZ Govt Extends Microsoft Agreement: The successful all-of-government Microsoft Licensing Agreement has been extended for another three years, says Government Chief Technology Officer, Tim Occleshaw. The original contract signed in 2012 is used by 120 agencies and has achieved cost-savings of $119 million. The agreement extension will continue to provide cost-savings for agencies over the next three years.

* Primary Industries

Sheep And Beef Farmers Save Millions: Analysis by Beef + Lamb New Zealand shows that New Zealand’s free trade agreements delivered tariff savings of $161 million on the nation’s sheep and beef sector’s exports in 2014 – and the amount is set to grow as tariffs continue to reduce and export volumes grow.


MPI RELEASES LANDFARMING GUIDANCE: The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has today released guidelines for food producers and processors about how to ensure food safety and animal welfare after spreading rocks and minerals from drilling oil and gas wells on land, including the practice known as landfarming. Download the MPI landfarming guidance here:

FARM CONFIDENCE FALLS FURTHER: Federated Farmers’ new-season July 2015 Farm Confidence Survey has moved further into negative territory. Pessimists overwhelmingly outnumbered optimists for both the economy in general and farm profitability. The full July 2015 Report can be found here:

ABSOLUTE IT REMUNERATION REPORT: Absolute IT remuneration report has found that the national median base salary for New Zealand IT workers has decreased 2.4 percent since December 2014. Christchurch salaries took the biggest hit of all, dropping 4 percent to a median base salary of $72,000. Download the July 2015 Remuneration Report here:

CHILDREN IN POVERTY CANNOT WAIT: Child Poverty Action Group says it is a tragedy for young children growing up in poverty today that the government will not take the steps needed to meet their urgent needs. Download the paper from Child Poverty Action Group here:

And that’s our sampling of the day that was on Wednesday 15th July 2015.

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