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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest contains 7 media release snippets and 4 links for the day of Wednesday 8th July.

Top stories in the current news cycle include responses to the sudden death of Fonterra’s first chief executive Craig Norgate (50), a biosecurity find of some venomous spiders in a shipment of table grapes imported from Mexico and news from today’s release of the Government’s Financial Statements that there was a surplus of just over $1 billion in the 11 months to May.


* Politics

Careful stewardship: The latest Crown accounts reinforce the benefits of the Government’s careful stewardship of its finances, Finance Minister Bill English says. See the Link to the latest Financial Statements of the Government below.

Climate change target contentious: Following yesterday’s selection of an emissions reduction target by Climate Change Minister Tim Groser, the Minister has been challenged by other parties. Labour’s Climate Change spokesperson Megan Woods said he must immediately set a clear carbon budget if he wants to have any chance of meeting the emission reductions he has announced. Forest Owners Association chief executive David Rhodes said the latest target is likely to be criticised locally and internationally as being inadequate – adding “What we now need are policies that show the government is committed to achieving whatever target it sets”.

eCAN transition plan: Environment Canterbury (ECan) will move to a mixed governance council of seven elected councillors and up to six appointed in 2016 as a transition to a fully elected council in 2019, Environment Minister Dr Nick Smith and Associate Local Government Minister Louise Upston announced today.

New WTO rep: Foreign Minister Murray McCully has announced diplomat Vangelis Vitalis as New Zealand’s next Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Geneva.

* Business

Pushpay revenue climbs: Pushpay Holdings, the mobile payments app developer, boosted revenue 39 percent in the first quarter as growth in its US faith-based merchants offset a decline in its SMS business. Total annualised committed monthly revenue was $12.8 million at June 30.

* Primary Industries

Spiders Lead To Table Grapes Withdrawn From Sale:The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is working closely with New Zealand produce retailers to have all imported Mexican table grapes withdrawn from sale following the discovery of spiders in a small number of consignments.To date, 10 spiders have been found in grapes at several locations around the country in both islands.

Craig Norgate’s Contribution Acknowledged: DairyNZ has acknowledged the important part played by Craig Norgate in setting the direction of the industry body in its early years. Chief executive Tim Mackle says “ We would like to acknowledge all he has done for our industry in delivering what is now our largest co-operative and the largest company in New Zealand and of course, what he has done for DairyNZ. We send to his wife Jane and his children our deepest sympathy at this very sad time.”


TREASURY RELEASED GOVERNMENT’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: The Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand for the 11 months ended 31 May 2015 were released by the Treasury today. For more information :

BUSY JOB MARKET: New Zealand’s job market is very busy with continued high demand for candidates across the board – and a leading recruiter says overseas Kiwis are taking note. For more information see:

BUDGET RESOURCE FOR DAIRY FARMERS: DairyNZ has created a new online resource detailing the financial spending of top performing dairy farms. The resource is accessible here:

GOVERNMENT TO IMPROVE CERVICAL SCREENING: Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says a review of the National Cervical Screening Programme shows it is successfully reducing cervical cancer rates, and work is underway to further strengthen the programme. The screening programme, which is available to women aged between 20 and 70, is subject to a Parliamentary Review Committee process every three years. A copy of the latest report is available at http:/

And that’s our sampling of the day that was on Wednesday 8th July 2015.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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