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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest contains 5 media release snippets and 3 links for the day of Monday 29th June.

Top stories in the current news cycle include Civil Defence saying a state of emergency remains after about 60,000 hectares of farm land has been affected by this month’s flooding in Whanganui and Daryl Evans, of Mangere Budgeting Services, saying if state houses are sold to an overseas-based organisation there will be uncertainty for tenants if that organisation can’t provide security of tenure.

NEWSROOM_PLUS extra – : Follow the links below for an interesting read about flag changes and selling state houses to Australia:


* Politics

US/NZ Forum Kicks Off: Foreign Minister Murray McCully today welcomed the start of the US/NZ Partnership Forum which is taking place in Auckland this week. “The Forum has a long history of bringing together a range of participants from multiple sectors to discuss the relationship between New Zealand and the United States,” Mr McCully says.

Tauranga Special Housing: Two Special Housing Areas (SHAs) with the potential for 210 new homes in Tauranga were approved today by Cabinet, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith has announced.

* Business  Kiwi Dollar Falls: The New Zealand dollar fell to a fresh five-year low as investors exited riskier assets in favour of safe havens as Greece and its creditors failed to reach agreement at the weekend ahead of a looming debt repayment deadline tomorrow.

Pushpay Eligible For Grant: Pushpay Holdings has confirmed it is eligible for a $960,000 research and development grant from Callaghan Innovation that will help mobile payments app developer scale up the platform that allows US church congregations to easily make donations.

* Primary Industries

Under-Utilisation Of Facilities Cost Meat Company: Blue Sky Meats, whose shares trade on the Unlisted platform, reported a 36 percent slide in annual profit, which it blamed on the under-utilisation of its processing facilities.


ENVIRONMENT WEBSITE WADES DEEPER INTO WATER DATA: Environmental monitoring website Land Air Water Aotearoa (LAWA) is expanding its repertoire, offering more data about New Zealand’s most valuable natural resource, water. LAWA now displays real-time data on river flow, groundwater and rainfall levels at over 1,000 sites around New Zealand. See more here:

HIGH RATES OF UNEMPLOYMENT AMONGST DISABLED PEOPLE: Tracking Equalities at Work research released by the Human Rights Commission yesterday shows that New Zealand’s disabled population has nearly double the level of unemployment than non-disabled people. Disability Rights Commissioner, Paul Gibson says that it is a human right to work and clearly New Zealand needs to do better in this area. Read more here:

BUSINESSNZ FORECAST INDICATES SLOW ECONOMIC GROWTH: New Zealand’s economic fundamentals are pointing in the right direction but growth is slowing, according to the BusinessNZ Planning Forecast for the June 2015 quarter. Download the BusinessNZ Planning Forecast here:

And that’s our sampling of the day that was on Monday 29th June 2015.

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