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MIL OSI – Source: Property Council New Zealand – Wellington needs to be heard

The Wellington Branch has submitted to the Local Government Commission in favour of reorganisation of local government in the Wellington region. At the moment, there is a heavy focus on Auckland and Christchurch and it is imperative that Wellington’s needs are also seriously considered

We believe this is best done through a single voice, enabling Wellington to have more influence with Central Government.  We also believe combining resources across the region and developing a single plan and strategic focus will have more sway than a number of councils pulling in different directions.  We have submitted that a clear strategic focus for the region is likely to be able to better plan for the future and guard against potential, and sometimes unexpected, challenges. 

The greater efficiency and effectiveness that can be realised through reorganisation will help achieve economies of scale.  A single council for the region will mean just one set of strategies, plans and policies for the whole region, meaning less complexity for the council’s customers.  The flow on effect will be, an increase in the region’s attractiveness as a place to do business and undertake development.

We have also submitted that reorganisation should ensure the vitality of Wellington’s CBD, and that it remains attractive to development and business growth.

In terms of next steps, the Commission will be holding public hearings, after which it will decide whether to issue a final proposal or remain with the existing council arrangements.




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