Today’s edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 5 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Tuesday 29th of March. It is best viewed on a desktop screen.
Noteworthy stories in the current news cycle include: Corrections Minister Judith Collins saying her department is working on an electronic monitoring device that can’t be removed; state-owned company, New Zealand Post announcing it will cut about 500 jobs by July; and Labour Party leader Andrew Little saying he believes the rejection of an alternate flag will mean New Zealand will have the debate about becoming a republic sooner rather than later.
Government:New Zealanders have chosen their flag;Council amalgamations possible under reforms; McCully to Cook Islands for Ministerial Forum;Jobs forecast to grow 148k over next three years
Greens: Flag result a failure for PM and lost opportunity for NZ; MPs to receive 10,000 droplets of water & petition
Labour: Government’s record on fresh water appalling; Badge of shame – NZ house prices the worst; New Zealanders reject John Key’s flag project; Govt must do more to prepare for future of workers at NZ Post; Māori TV should be celebrating 12th birthday;Growth per person lower than UK, US, Japan
New Zealand First: The people have spoken; Farmers have had enough of Fonterra management; Frank Torley
COST OF HOUSING: New research shows the cost of housing in New Zealand rises and falls in a way similar to that in Australia. A study from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust looked at real house prices (official house prices adjusted by a consumer price index) in sixteen cities in Australia and New Zealand; and found that all sixteen cities share a price trend and are influenced by the same long-term factors. Read more:
FLAG PRELIMINARY RESULTS: The Electoral Commission has released the preliminary result for the second referendum on the New Zealand Flag.The preliminary result is available from This includes a breakdown of votes by electorate.
JOBS FORECAST: The latest employment forecast from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment predicts the number of jobs in New Zealand will grow by another 148,300 over the next three years.The Short-Term Employment Forecasts: 2016-19 is available at:
LIFE SATISFACTION: People with a large number of family and friends tend to have much better overall life satisfaction, according to new research from Statistics New Zealand. More details at:
UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME: The report, Money for all: the winners and losers from a Universal Basic Income, by economist Jim Rose, examines the Labour Party’s “Future of Work” proposal for a UBI and the more modest proposal by the Morgan Foundation. Read more:
And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Tuesday, 29th March.